ManiFeste-2013 » percussion Festival May 29 - June 30 Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 In Vivo Danse Sun, 30 Jun 2013 17:00:00 +0000 The choreographers, Christine Gérard, Alban Richard, Mark Lorimer and Clinton Stringer invent their collaborative methods with 6 composers: a round-trip from music to dance, from the stage to the research studio.

Developing in the universe of percussion and electronics, In Vivo Dance 2013 combines writing for the movement of both sonorous and dancing bodies. This program supervised by the percussionist Samuel Favre, a soloist from the Ensemble intercontemporain and by Thierry De Mey will be featured in this evening’s program, opens the doors to a new type of artistic encounter.

Alban RichardAlban Richard © Agathe Poupeney
  • Creations by the Dance, Composition, Percussion, and Electronic Workshops
    performed by the percussionists from Samuel Favre’s master class.
  • Thierry De Mey Light Music*
danse2Light Music by Thierry De Mey

Directors Thierry De Mey, Samuel Favre
Choreographers Christine Gérard, Mark Lorimer, Alban Richard, Clinton Stringer
Dancer Aurélie Berland
Percussion Samuel Favre*
Computer Music Design Christophe Lebreton (Grame), Laurent Pottier (Gmem)*
IRCAM Pedagogical Advisor Benoit Meudic

An IRCAM/Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou, Charleroi Danses, Micadanses coproduction. With the support of the FCM – Fonds pour la Création Musicale and the SACD.

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Fête de la percussion Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:30:00 +0000 A percussion festival in the central hall at the CENTQUATRE. Persephassa is Xenakis’ first monument dedicated to percussion. Six percussionists surround the audience, producing an ultra-powerful work, Persephassa, Persephone, goddess of birth, of the force of nature. The brutality is actually a meticulously organized chaos: its formalisms, sieve theory, the composer-mathematician plans the space, varies the symmetries, controls densities, periodicity, accelerations, and overlapping speeds for the same material.
The perspective of Maresz’ gargantuan Festin is entirely different: taming the infinite combinations of 12 percussionists through pitch logic, giving birth to a new orchestra, unimagined until today.
ceruttiMichel Cerutti © Anne Oster-Roustang

  • Yan Maresz Festin
  • Iannis Xenakis Persephassa
  • Wolfgang Rihm Tutuguri VI

Ensemble de percussions du Cnsmdp
Conductor Michel Cerutti
An IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et danse de Paris coproduction. IRCAM and the CENTQUATRE are partners for experimental performance projects.

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Percussion Master Class Fri, 21 Jun 2013 18:30:00 +0000 Steven Schick

Concert given by the students from Steven Schick’s master class.

Suggested Repertoire

  • Helmut Lachenmann Intérieur
  • Iannis Xenakis Psappha
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen Zyklus
  • James Dillon
  • Brian Ferneyhough Bone Alphabet
  • John Luther Adams The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies
  • Kaija Saariaho Six Japanese Gardens
  • Thierry De Mey Silence Must Be
percussion© Jean Radel

An IRCAM-Centre Pompidou production. IRCAM and the CENTQUATRE are partners for experimental performance projects. With the support of the FCM – Fonds pour la Création Musicale and the Sacem.

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Percussion 2013 Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:30:00 +0000 The percussions of the 20th and 21st centuries are at the heart of the IRCAM festival and its academy. One of its most distinguished representatives, the American Steven Schick, imagined his recital with classics from the repertoire such as Xenakis or Ferneyhough.

Lorenzo Pagliei’s work in the first part of this evening represents the fruit of two years of musical and technological research on virtual percussions carried out at IRCAM. Is this the birth of an Esperanto for sound and gesture? Voir-Toucher introduces new instrument-making techniques, an original alphabet of gestures that control physical models using the Modalys software program.

GeecosGeecos (Gestural Control Surfaces) © Florian Leger. Ludovic Barrier, instrument maker
  • Lorenzo Pagliei Voir-Toucher, commissioned by IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, premiere
  • Iannis Xenakis Rebonds, Psappha
  • Brian Ferneyhough Bone Alphabet
  • John Luther Adams Roar

Daniel Ciampolini, Benoît Maurin, Pierre-Olivier Schmitt, Gianny Pizzolato, performers
Steven Schick percussion
Creation of the Geecos Ludovic Barrier – instrument maker
IRCAM Computer Music Design Lorenzo Bianchi

An Ircam/Les Spectacles vivants-Centre Pompidou coproduction. With the support of the Sacem.

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Lorenzo Pagliei Mon, 15 Apr 2013 09:14:55 +0000 Lorenzo Pagliei studied piano, composition, electronic music, and orchestra conducting in Italy where he studied with Azio Corghi, Ivan Vandor, Giorgio Nottoli, and Salvatore Sciarrino. Pagliei received his diploma in composition from the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome the year that Luciano Berio presided the jury; Pagliei continued to discuss his work with Berio after this. Lorenzo Pagliei went on to continue his training at the Académie Chigiana in Sienna and attended master classes taught by Gérard Grisey, Helmut Lachenmann, Henri Pousseur, and Philippe Leroux.

Lorenzo PaglieiLorenzo Pagliei © Tiziana Cera Rosco

Moreover, Lorenzo Pagliei worked with the engineering school at the University Tor Vergata in Rome from 1996 to 1998 on the development and musical use of a system for electronic synthesis in real-tiem (the SAIPH). Pagliei continued to work as a computer music designer and produced several performances of Stockhausen’s Mantra in collaboration with the duo Redaelli – Bellocchio. He is the artistic director of the XXI Musicale, a collection of recordings dedicated to contemporary and electronic music in collaboration with the Italian radio RAI. Lorenzo Pagliei teaches electronic music at the Vicenza Conservatory in Italy.

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Steven Schick Tue, 09 Apr 2013 15:12:22 +0000 Steven Schick was born in Iowa and raised in a farming family. For the past thirty years he has championed contemporary percussion music as a performer and teacher, by commissioning and premiering more than one hundred new works for percussion.

Schick is Distinguished Professor of Music at the University of California, San Diego and a Consulting Artist in Percussion at the Manhattan School of Music. He was the percussionist of the Bang on a Can All-Stars of New York City from 1992-2002, and from 2000 to 2004 served as Artistic Director of the Centre International de Percussion de Genève in Geneva, Switzerland. Schick is founder and Artistic Director of the percussion group, “red fish blue fish”, and in 2007 assumed the post of Music Director and conductor of the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus.

Steven SchickSteven Schick © Nelvin C. Cepeda

Steven Schick recently released three important publications. His book on solo percussion music, “The Percussionist’s Art: Same Bed, Different Dreams,” was published by the University of Rochester Press; his recording of “The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies” by John Luther Adams was released by Cantaloupe Music; and, a 3 CD set of the complete percussion music of Iannis Xenakis, made in collaboration with red fish blue fish, was issued by Mode Records.

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Samuel Favre Mon, 01 Apr 2013 14:47:46 +0000 Born in 1979 in Lyon, Samuel Favre began percussion studying with Alain Londeix at the Conservatoire national de région de Lyon, where he won a gold medal in 1996. The same year, he entered the classes of Georges Van Gucht and Jean Geoffroy at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Lyon where he received his diploma in 2000. In parallel to these studies, Samuel Favre studied at the Academy of the Aix-en-Provence Festival and at the Centre Acanthes.

Samuel FavreSamuel Favre © Jean Radel

He also began a collaboration with Camille Rocailleux, composer and percussionist, who invited him to join the company ARCOSM in 2000 to perform Echoa, a performance that brings together music and dance. ARCOSM has been performed nearly 400 times in France and abroad.

Since 2001, Samuel Favre has been a member of the Ensemble intercontemporain with whom he has recorded Le Marteau sans maître by Pierre Boulez and the Double Concerto for piano and percussion by Unsuk Chin.

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