Net Art at the Museum
Digital art works are particularly sensitive to the passing of time. They are made of several layers of materials and software that all have different time frames of obsolescence (programs, reading materials, means of accessing data, etc.). In the case of the pan-European research project Digital Art Conservation and for the Espace Multimédia Gantner, I carried out case studies on two works, OSS/•••• by the duo Jodi and still living by Antione Schmitt. While these two works were programmed with the same software (Adobe Director, a program very popular in digital arts in the 1990s and 2000s that has been practically abandoned now), the way each is being conserved is very different, in keeping with the ways they are made available to the public. They use different strategies of conservation, of monstration, of accessibility that are intrinsically connected to their preservation.
Art-Science Think Tank: Wednesday, June 12